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to email or word processor, complete, then return to Latest stored at BUYER CRITERIA for YOUR FIRM or Those
is the buyer in? SPECIFICATIONS What kind of
business/property looking for? What size of
business/property looking for? (value
range, revenue range, EBITDA range, other): What are the
top 3 things looking for in a potential business/property? (cap rate, management team, value, location,
product line, supplier relationships, brand, etc): What additional
skills and resources bring to the deal (growth
capital, new skills, familiarity with other markets, etc): LOCATION
of Buyer: SOURCE
of Funds (location; private, firm,
institutional) : LOCATION
for Purchases: FINANCIAL What are the
financial parameters looking for? PORTFOLIO What other
companies/properties currently have? What synergies like
to achieve? MANAGEMENT (for
business purchases) Describe the
management team bringing to the table:
Want the
existing management team of a business to stay in place? If so, for how
long? TRANSACTION What type of
transaction interested in? (purchase/buyout,
growth equity investment, majority or minority position, etc): Company
Info, NOT on
your Online Profile or Signature Block (overlay if easier). Name: Company: Address: Email
Address: Phone: Website: Questions?
Complete what you can, email it in, then well finish over the phone. Thank you very much, Kenton Johnson <> CEO, Chief Collaborator +1(302)KentonJ Prosper Systems, LLC Copyright
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