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PDF version Latest at BuyingAndSellingInterests.ProsperSystems.biz Our main BUYING
and SELLING interests are: • Our Buyers* want VALIDATED us$10mm++
properties and businesses: 5-star resorts;
office buildings; shopping centers; chains of grocery, fast-food, brand-name,
radio & TV businesses; large farms timber stands, ranches; all types of
mines; oil refineries; paper mills; manufacturing companies; sport teams;
ship lines; airlines; precious metals; any other large assets. us$250mm++ hotels and
resorts (prefer $500mm++, foreign, low/no debt) us$50mm+ US and
$500mm+ Foreign producing O&G operations (see below) us$50mm to $100mm for
20-49% of US/Canadian O&G production – see BuyerOGproduction.prospersystems.biz us$50mm++ uncut raw diamonds, 5 carats
or more us$10mm for precious
assets such as art, diamond collections and other collectibles us$10mm+ specialized
business with low risk, high reward us$10mm+ (based on
$2mm-$5mm EBITDA) Light Manufacturing, Industrials (proprietary parts
manufacturing, and related services - inspection, environmental services,
analytics), Aerospace and related Services (MRO, ERO, etc), Infrastructure
and related Services, Transportation (logistics, 3PL, charter) • Business Brokers and Attorneys invited to participate • Close to or actual Cash-flowing, 10%+
ROI, and a Seller/Representative who speaks English decently and will get
down to business** • Locations: Europe, Americas, Australasia, other friendly
nations, and perhaps India • The Buyers usually have a lawyer or other
professional broker as their Representative • We expect the Seller to pay the
commission, that you share equally with fully-active brokers or 50-50
Seller’s and Buyer's sides. Note: our Buyers generally don't pay commissions,
and we have a Lawyer on our TEAM and Realtors who will process our end
professionally. • ALL OFFERS MUST be accompanied with the
Seller's side, repeated in the cover email.
Any offers made to us without the commission and splits may result in
termination of connections and communications.*** • If you have or know of PRODUCING O&G
OPERATIONS FOR SALE, we have Buyers for: us$50mm-$200mm US Producing Oil & Gas operations
(fast, cash Buyer) us$500mm+++ non-US Producing Oil & Gas operations
(voracious, fast, cash Buyer) • Our SELLERS
have similar properties and businesses of many types, so we would be
interested in speaking to you about YOUR
business and other assets, most-likely like you, but via a securities lawyer
on staff (if needed), and work with private us$bln
Buyers who do NOT divulge proof of
funds (POF), their portfolio properties or contact information, or issue letters of
intent/interest (LOI) until: • We've completed a
thorough due
diligence then • A Buyer, registered broker or mandate has a serious
conversation with
the Seller, registered broker or mandate. Our eight-member
TEAM has 275+ years
of experience in many aspects of commercial real estate, business and other
asset classes. Our extensive, professional internet presences, as well as our
thorough, professional email exchanges,
are a strong indication that we are serious, capable collaborators. We also work with several
Public and Private Lenders for Leveraged Buyouts, Bridge Loans and Debt Payoffs. If the project or business is IN DEVELOPMENT, see our Startup / Expansion Consulting PROPERTIES OR BUSINESSES FOR SALE that
you have or know of - we MUST know up front (prefer us$100mm++ price, but
can go down to $10mm for special businesses): • ON FIRST LINES OF AN EMAIL: 1.
Price 2. Commissions and which side is paying, for BOTH Sellers' and Buyer's brokers (10% preferred - sloping continuously down to 1% for us$bln+ sales, depending on level of sales documentation preparation) 3.
How commissions are Shared among brokers or
Seller's and Buyer's sides (prefer equally-shared among fully-active
brokers) • Summary
(one paragraph is fine) • City
and Country (prefer Europe,
Americas, Australasia, other friendly
nations, and perhaps India) • Net operating income (EBITDA preferred) • Appraised value • Level of debt in percent of value • All documents need to be in English • It helps to have all information
documents consistently named, as well as aggregated into a single, ordered PDF file • Attach preferred Non-Disclosure Agreement
or complete a short, concise, but complete NDNC & Fee
Agreement- must show full contact information for the discloser _____________ *REFERRALS
APPRECIATED: We continue to look
for additional Buyers and their highly-responsive Representatives for
us$100mm+++ properties and businesses.
See our current Buyers.prospersystems.biz,
provide similar information, and enjoy lucrative ReferralIncome.prospersystems.biz **SELLERS
/ REPRESENTATIVES respond to emails in 8 business hours, keep scheduled
meetings - in person, Skype or conference call - providing requested
information within a business day, and continue to work with us until a
decision is made by the Buyer. ***
It is amazing how many sales offers come WITHOUT COMMISSIONS and SPLITS, but
it is like a car salesman saying, "Drive this car around for a while,
pay for the gas, get it inspected on your time and dime, get your spouse all
excited about it, THEN I'll tell you the price!" ~~~~~~~~~~~ Kenton
Johnson <fromWeb@ProsperSystems.biz>,
Founder, Schedule a Call (with Video options) Copyright
Copyright © 2005-2025, Prosper Systems, Denver CO USA. All rights reserved. Latest update, 11/19/2023, KHJ |