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Income Projects, High Tech, Land, Energy Fields, Mines, Commodities

Fast, Professional Resources, Worldwide

We collaborate with Owners, Cash Buyers and other Collaborators on Projects around the world that are, or planning to be, worth us$100mm or more:

  • Turnkey Income Properties - Apartment Complexes, Malls, Office Buildings, Industrial Parks and other Assets growing to us$10M++ Net Operating Income (worth us$25mm++)
  • High-Tech - hardware, software, services and mobile Apps, growing to be worth us$100M++
  • Energy Fields - Wind, Solar, Oil, Gas, Shale, Geothermal, with us$1bn++ in-ground assets, worth us$50M+++
  • Mines - Gold, Silver, PGM, Other Metals, Coal, Uranium, Gravel, Other Minerals, with us$1bn++ in-ground assets

We are, or partner with, fully-Educated, properly-Licensed Professionals for:

  • Financial Analysis
  • Asset Evaluation
  • Real Estate
  • Legal
  • Securities
  • Business Planning and Implementation



We are working with International Buyers from most continents (with us$100M++ per project, some less) - see our latest: Buying and Selling Interests and Active Properties and Businesses For Sale and Buying:

  • Income Properties, Hotels/Resorts, Land, Oil Fields, Mines, Raw Diamonds, many others - based in CO USA (us$50M+++) - from USA
  • Light Manufacturing, Industrials, Aerospace and related Services, Infrastructure and related Services, Transportation (to us$15mm, based on $2mm-$5mm EBITDA) - based in and funds from USA
  • High-Tech, Natural Resources (O&G, clean energy), Real Estate Businesses and Precious Assets (us$10mm - us$1bn) - based in USA and Europe
  • US (us$50mm -$200mm) and Non-US Energy Fields (us$500M+++) - based in and funds from USA



We also work with companies to Conceptualize, Capitalize and Complete their projects to us$10M++ annual EBITDA for future us$100M++ sale. See our Business Conceptualize, Capitalize, Complete and Close Services.

Further, we serve on Boards of Directors and Advisors, mainly for equity.


Special Projects

Precious-Metal Mines

With the rapid increase in precious-metal prices, money is more available for cash purchase of existing, partially- or fully-proven mines, that are about-to-be-, partially- or fully-operating. It is a ripe market, with massive potential profit, and also follows the philosophy "if you want gold and silver at wholesale prices - buy a mine!"

All Metal, Mineral and Energy Projects

Obtaining existing, explored Projects follows the exploration model nicely, but accelerates the exploration to final phases to proving versus searching.

PROJECTS - Owners/Collaborators/Referrers:  The best way to sell your Projects the fastest is to download and complete our high-tech, yet straight-forward Aproject App* (quick preview).

As a graduate student quickly learned (from us), "It's not What or Who you know, it's who you know (who know) Who Know money & projects," i.e., entrepreneurial, big-thinking Collaborators. Knowing nothing about Collaborating, he's Identified us$20bn in Buyers via online professional groups.

RESOURCES - Buyers, Collaborators and Referrers/Representatives:
To receive the best Projects, the soonest, download and complete the Abcrr App* (quick preview) per our Collaboration Steps

* ALL: Join our Prosper Systems Collaboration Announcement List.

* Application Assistance provided at the top rate by our Project Support Service.

Schedule a Call TODAY



"Collaboration" is the ultimate in business relationships. For Prosper Systems Collaboration, to help change ownership or become involved in a property or business, Collaborators include:

  • Professional Consultants
  • Facilitators
  • Joint Venture Partners
  • Licensed Attorneys
  • Licensed Brokers - Securities, Real Estate, Business or Commodities
Collaborators often partner with:
  • Buyers
  • Owners
  • Investors
  • Joint Venture Partners
  • Professional Employees
  • Referrers
  • Representatives

More at Collaborator.ProsperSystems.biz.



Referrers refer Buyers, Owners, Collaborators and Representatives to PS or others. To make the introductions robust, first download and complete as much as possible of the relevant Abcrr or Aproject Apps described in the boxes above and below.

Representatives - often lawyers or real estate professionals - represent Buyers, Owners and Collaborators who wish to remain anonymous.


Owners (and Collaborators)

To begin the Sales process, please complete the process now and speed the sale, download and complete the Aproject App ... OR ...

If you only have two minutes (versus 15), complete the first very-short sheet (which requests the following), then we'll finish the rest over the phone or Skype: Your Contact Info or Webpage; Project Name; Location (approximate OK prior to NDA); Sales Income; Price; Value - Appraisal or Full-Production EBITDA; Terms; Description; Your Relationship to Owner(s); Operations Mgt Team - number and total years expedience; Non-Disclosure Agreement (link or attachment).


Buyers (and Collaborators)

Excellent Projects are available. We screen out the best, present the ones that fit you, then put you in touch with the Owner to complete the sale.

Any due diligence required for the sale can be performed by our connections or staff, for future consulting income paid on consummation of the sale.

Contact us ASAP with your complete contact information or your webpage, including your Skype Name at BCRR@ProsperSystems.biz, or better yet: download and complete an Abcrr App

PROJECTS - Owners/Collaborators/Referrers:  The best way to sell your Projects the fastest is to download and complete our high-tech, yet straight-forward Aproject App* (quick preview).

A smart environmental/communications Consultant casually referred us to one professional Broker who has introduced us to professional Brokers from Canada, Germany, Vietnam and the USA, leading to Buyers and Owners or their Collaborators on all continents. He's in line for a generous portion of income on us$B in Sales, with little effort on his part.

RESOURCES - Buyers, Collaborators and Referrers/Representatives:
To receive the best Projects, the soonest, download and complete the Abcrr App* (quick preview) per our Collaboration Steps

ALL: Join our Prosper Systems Collaboration Announcement List.

* Application Assistance provided at the top rate by our Project Support Service.

Schedule a Call TODAY



Consultants are Collaborators who provide expertise in specialized areas, such as mining, geology, soils, water rights, financial reports and options, business planning, securities, private placement documents, marketing, sales, commodities and import/export.

Consultants use their talents and contacts in the financial, mining, energy, real estate and engineering industries to complete the processes in large-property and business Sales. Consultants compensated like other Collaborators, which is reasonable but high enough to be fairly lucrative while sharing with other Collaborators.

Sales Income sharing is pre-arranged for all active participants in finding the property or the Buyers. We share as below, though in a few cases, the Project's first-contact Collaborators require a higher portion of the income, so we work from there.

This model is for individual income for each participating party, however as part of our collaborative team, we notify you of new or potential Projects for Collaborating, consulting or investing, as well as excellent resources for buying and selling silver, gold or leveraging our money.

To keep things fair, clean and clear, Collaborators compensate their Referrers, unless the Referrer is already a Buyer, Owner or Collaborator in the project.

Contact us ASAP with your best online vita link (website or vita site such as TopVitas, or LinkedIn) or if none, your vita to Kenton@ProsperSystems.biz, or better yet: download and complete the Abcrr App.


Income Sharing

We charge a reasonable rate, and share it as follows:

  • The Total Income will be split among the Collaborators equally. Each Collaborator will compensate his/her Referrers/Representatives.

  • If the number of Collaborators in one group of the Buyer's, Owner's or Collaborators is actually or anticipated to be more than one greater than the other groups, then the income will be split equally between the groups.

  • The Owner's Collaborator will distribute income to all other Collaborators or their groups. For a group of Collaborators, the primary contact (usually the first in the Collaborator chain) will receive the split then distribute it to the others in his/her group per the group's internal agreement.


  • Referral Income Schedule

    We pay the following Schedule for Companies, and encourage same for Referrers/Representatives of Collaborators and Capital providers (as allowed by referral income laws in your jurisdiction), based on the income to the connecting Prosper Systems Team Member versus the total transaction amount:

    • 2% for a simple referral - email as much as you know that includes an online profile or detailed webpage on the referred: "Here's Jim/Company - contact him/them"

    • 5% for a better referral - email as much as you know* that includes an online profile or detailed webpage on the referred: "Here's the Info for Jim/Company - contact him/them"

    • 10% for a warm introduction with cross-edification - email detailed Info to us and our LinkedIn profiles or webpages in advance to the referred, then set up an introductory conference call, video preferred: "Here's the detailed Info on Jim and Prosper Systems - very good people/companies - let's conference."

    • Up to 25% - actively encourage the relationship at increments of 1% per call/email, helping clear communications and providing mediation or advice as needed: "Jim, it would be wise to continue to work with Prosper Systems (or vice versa), since ...."

    • OR up to 50% - equal share for full participation as a Collaborator (though may only be 2-4 hours per month; complete BCRR App* for best collaboration).'

    • See Dutes and Responsibilities of Referral Agents (up to 25%) and co-Brokers (up to 50%) which are similar to a listing Business Broker.

    Make arrangements with Referred Brokers, Collaborators, Referrers or capital Representatives ahead of referring; Prosper Systems pays you per this schedule for Referrals to People, Projects and Resource Companies

    *Can use the very complete Application for Prosper Systems' Broker, Collaborator, Referrer or capital Representative (such as Abcrr) or Project (such as Aproject).

    NOTICE:  Each incomplete App submittal, lack of submittal to each request for one, or unkept appointments will result in a permanent decrement of 1% off your referral income from Prosper Systems, to a minimum of 1%.
         The Apps make the Sales process more effective, accurate and efficient. Five minutes of "data entry" will save 20-30 minutes of phone interview or a couple of days of exchanging eMails. Do the research and the "paperwork."
         Application Assistance provided at the top rate by our Project Support Service

Our latest steps for earning income are at Collaboration Steps. Always open to More Resources (Companies, Collaborators and Capital - Referral and Participation)

PROJECTS - Owners/Collaborators/Referrers:  The best way to sell your Projects the fastest is to download and complete our high-tech, yet straight-forward Aproject App* (quick preview).

Let's do some serious business and have some fun too. Seed your conversations and keep a sharp eye open for THE M's - Members (for our never-a-charge Collaboration Network) and Massive (us$100M++):
Money (Buyers) and Money Managers, Mines, MoneyMakers (Tech Businesses), Mansions (Income Properties), Monoliths (Tower Income Buildings), Monuments (Land), Majesties (Energy Fields) and Materiel (ready-to-process ore, equipment, supply stocks...)

RESOURCES - Buyers, Collaborators and Referrers/Representatives:
To receive the best Projects, the soonest, download and complete the Abcrr App* (quick preview) per our Collaboration Steps

ALL: Join our Prosper Systems Collaboration Announcement List.

* Application Assistance provided at the top rate by our Project Support Service.

Schedule a Call TODAY

Best Regards, Kenton Johnson, Founder, Prosper Systems

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DISCLAIMER: Neither Prosper Systems (PS), nor its Founder, Kenton H Johnson, are licensed Real Estate or Lending Brokers, Securities Dealers or Investment Advisers. However, PS has an Attorney on its Team, as well as works closely, engages and will have other Licensed individuals or firms on its Team. PS makes no warranties or representations as to the quality of an opportunity, the integrity of the Buyer, Owner or associated Collaborators, or the value of a given transaction. PS is acting only as Collaborator with Buyers, Owners or their Collaborators. All due diligence is the responsibility of Buyers, Owners and their Collaborators.

Copyright © 2005-2025, Prosper Systems, Denver CO USA. All rights reserved. Latest update, 8/27/2023, KHJ