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CLICK FOR VITAKenton H Johnson, MS/BS Inter-Disciplinary Systems, Engineering, Founder

CLICK FOR VITAStephen M Strigel, MS Operations Management, BA Business Administration, Financial and Business Management Advisory Team Member

CLICK FOR VITAChristopher L Wright, PE, BS Mining, Operations Advisory Team Member

CLICK FOR VITAT Goode, BS Commerce and Finance, ND Health, Life Consultant

CLICK FOR VITAC Woods, Post-Graduate Paleontology, BS Geology/ Paleontology, Geologic and Environmental Compliance Advisory Team Member

CLICK FOR VITAN Scott Kendall, Independent Mining and Metals Professional, Law Student, Mining and Electrical Advisor

CLICK FOR VITARichard A Schwartz, Jr, Esq, JD, BBA Finance, Legal Advisor

CLICK FOR VITAReid P Lester, MBA Strategic Planning/ Business Operations/ Development, BS Administration/ Management/ Finance, Organizational Management Advisor

All $ are USD.

Top (↑)

Prosper Systems
Corporate Resume

Based on Management / Advisory Team / Board Members
Click here then on individual Team names for more on specialties, experience, projects and recommendations

Mission - Collaboration

Prosper Systems Develops Projects and Businesses (including funding) to $100M+ in Value and/or Sells Companies and other Business Assets for $10M+++ (to their international buyers), and takes great care of Referrers.

  • Prepare and Market Companies for Ownership Transfer

  • Guide and Facilitate Startups in High-Tech, Real Estate and Natural Resources to become successfully Funded, Profitable and Sustainable

  • Create Jobs to grow Economies

  • Advance Technology and Business

  • Earn Income through Fee-based Consulting and Sales Commissions

  • Generously share Income with Referrers

  • Combine Information and sometimes Earnings to Seed other Companies


  • Stellar successes - business creation, early and mid-stage fundraising, strategy and execution, multi-fold improvements in revenue and EBITDA, exit;

  • 275+ years' collective experience; 18-59 years per member;

  • Superior technical skills - finance, structuring, science, engineering, law, IT, mining, compliance, real estate, internet, construction;

  • Respected communicators - authors, speakers, teachers, publishers, book / trade / theses / sites / blogs, world travelers / educated, multi-lingual;

  • Extensive education - major university classroom, colloquium, in-house, independent / correspondence / interactive internet, residence;

  • Highly creative, yet grounded in science, technology and experience;

  • Visionary and patient - big-picture, long-term wealth, win-win outcomes, world view;

  • Collaborative - inter-disciplinary, inter-organizational, strategic, partnering;

  • Community contributors - non-profits, foundations, trade groups, associations

Accomplishments (partial list)

Development - Business and Projects:

  • Optical storage company turnaround, transitioning manufacturing from Mexico to China / improving operations;
  • Increased financial services sales 55%;
  • Created and sold educational / ad book / web projects single-handedly to non-marketing-oriented practitioners - 300 local in 2 years, 211 more in next 4, and 80 through a out-of-state practitioner; 85% close rate; 65% renewal rate;
  • Ensured several surface gold mining projects to be efficient, profitable mining operations;
  • Created several strategic partnerships;
  • Co-developed nearly 100 Startups/Expansions, with a clear path to profitability;
  • Co-designing/developing new $500M+ Startups;
  • Built new departments in major organizations;
  • Co-Developed new, full, census-data mapping system for 11 state governments in 18 man-months;
  • Co-developed world’s premiere computer traffic control system and advanced mixed-qualitative/quantitative land/road planning systems;
  • Lead software development/implementation, multi-$B ELINT system;
  • Mentored dozens in multi-national and local business startups/expansions;


  • Sold a dozen businesses as Owner or Broker;
  • Managed several profitable Businesses and Projects;
  • Secured DEBT and EQUITY financing as Broker or Consultant;


  • Attracted / screened / expanding 1000s of stellar connections / information sources worldwide;
  • Members, ~300 professional groups;
  • Continuously researching business startup / funding resources;
  • Wrote reorganization plans to consolidate diverse computer activities into smooth-functioning groups, through top-management decision-making groups and project task forces;
  • Rapidly expanded $100M+ startups and sales (Companies) / stellar Collaborators / us$mln to $bln Capital sources;
  • Established / secured funding, foundation for US veteran job training;


  • Advanced major construction technology and small/medium Engineers-Architects-Contractors in computerized design, development and cost accounting;
  • Launched several Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) mini and PC systems internally and for clients;

Marketing / Communications / Publishing:

  • Developed and implemented marketing programs for several industries - building, computer, health, advertising;
  • Coined acronym and implemented GOgitMMM™ internet marketing;
  • Wrote / launched / published world's first, highly-respected international A-E-C newsletter on PCs in late 1970s, before IBM introduced its PC;
  • Pioneered web sites in late 1990s for sustainability and wellness;
  • Advancing scalable, device-independent, reliable web sites with superior online presence;
  • Authored successful business plans and associated presentations;
  • Wrote / published several books, journals, websites, blogs and technical columns/articles;
  • Taught nearly 100 highly-technical courses in North America and Europe

Top (↑)


P & L to $220mm;

Supervision up to 220 professionals

Financial Transactions

Sold companies for up to $12mm each, as Owner or Broker

Prepared Sales docs for companies up to $500mm each

Prepared and secured DEBT sources for companies up to $800mm each

Prepared and refered to EQUITY sources for companies up to $200mm each


275 collective years  •  18-59 years per Member  •  Average 34 years  •  Median 31 years

Business:  Analysis – Business  •  Connections / Information Sources Worldwide  •  Documentation  •  Editing  •  Health / Safety Program Compliance  •  Insurance  •  Inventory Control  •  Market Studies  •  Marketing  •  Material Requirements  •  Mergers / Acquisitions  •  Networking – Business / IT  •  Operational Performance Improvements  •  People Skills  •  Process Migration  •  Profitability Increase  •  Project Scopes  •  Proposals  •  Prospecting – Clients / Employees / Partners  •  Quality Control  •  Reports  •  Sales  •  Small Manufacturing  •  Writing

Management:  Board of Advisors / Directors Development / Management / Participation  •  Budgets  •  Business Development Leadership  •  Change Management  •  Growth Strategy Development  •  Leadership Programs  •  Lean Tools  •  Leveraging  •  Liaison Functions  •  Manage / Hire-Fire Consultants / Crews / All-Trade Subcontractors / IT / Managers / Office / Technical / Scientists  •  Management Team Development / Management / Participation  •  Operations – Coordination / Management / Planning – Manufacturing / Mining / Real Estate  •  Partnerships  •  Project Management  •  Sales  •  Schedules – Work / Cost   •  Strategic Business Management  •  Strategic Business Planning  •  Supervise / Hire-Fire Consultants / Crews / All-Trade Subcontractors / IT / Managers / Office / Technical / Scientists  •  Visioning

Technical:  Engineering – Inter-Disciplinary / Chemical / Machines / Mining / Process / Reverse / Revision (Re-) / Systems  •  Information Security  •  IT Infrastructure  •  Telecommunications  •  Telephony  •  VOIP

Consulting:  Advisory Services  •  Build Highly-Successful Organizations / Real Estate Projects / Service Businesses / International  •  Coaching   •   Consensus Building  •  Consultation – Independent / Corporate / Partnership – International   •   Electrical / Electrician   •   Training   •   Valuation – Business / Ore Reserves / Resources

Financial:  Analysis   •   Capital Access  •  Exit Strategies  •  Financial Planning  •  Funding  •  Insurance   •   Investments  •  Factoring and Floor Planning

Legal:  Agreements – Employment / Extraction / JV / Profit Sharing / Sale  •  Law – Business / Corporate / Criminal / Civil / Estate Planning / Securities  •  SEC Expertise / Knowledge / Understanding  •  Private Placement Memorandums

Education:  Professorship  •  Instructing  •  Training

Mining:  Advanced Mining Methods / Procedures / Software / Equipment  •  Analysis – Ore Samples  •  Assaying  •  Environmental History / Compliance  •  Equipment – Manufacturer / Design – Mining / Milling  •  Fuel Resource Extraction  •  Groundwater Investigation  •  Groundwater / Surface Water Monitor Development / Maintenance  •  Maximize Productivity / Extraction Rates  •  Metals – Gold / Silver / Copper / Cobalt / Lead / Zinc  •  Mineral Resource Extraction  •  Mining  •  Operations – Coal / Natural Gas / Mining  •  Present Complex Information – Variety of Audiences  •  Prospecting – Metals / Minerals / Gas / Oil  •  Qualified Person for Mining per Canadian NI 43-101  •  Regulator Interaction  •  Regulatory Compliance  •  Safety Procedures  •  Surface Soil Impacts  •  Surface Water  •  Waste Disposal Current / Anticipated Practices Review  •  Water / Waste Discharge Evaluation / Compliance

Real Estate:  Architecture  •  Computerized Construction Management  •  Construction  •  Land Acquisition  •  Landfill Industrial Permitting  •  Safety Procedures  •  Surface Use Development

Personal:  Committees – Architectural / Community / Planning / Non-Profit  •  Military Service  •  Foundation / Non-Profit Creation  •  Civil Air Patrol


Founder  •  Owner  •  CEO  •  President  •  General Manager   •   Chief Capital Officer   •   Chief Operating Officer  •  Vice President  •  Executive Director   •   Director  •  Officer (Military)   •   Manager  •  Advisor  •  Team Leader  •  Investor  •  Representative   •   Broker   •   Agent   •   Facilitator   •   Board Member  •  Air Crew


Business  •  Emerging   •   Energy   •   Financial  •  Government   •   High Net Worth  •  Hispanic   •   Insurance   •   International   •   Military  •  Mining   •   Non-Profit   •   Non-Technical   •   Private-Equity  •  Real Estate  •  Refining / Oil / Gas  •  Residential   •   Small / Medium / Large Business  •  Technical   •   Wellness   •   Wind


USA – many states  •  Canada  •  Mexico  •  Central / South America – many  •  Europe – including Germany, UK, The Netherlands   •  Russia  •  Africa – some  •  Asia – including China


BS  •  BA  •  BBA  •  MS  •  MA  •  MBA  •  Post-Grad  •  JD  •  PhD


USA:  Business Broker  •  Geologist  •  ISO 9001 Lead Auditor  •  Law  •  Lender (Commercial / Mortgage)  •  Marketing  •  Professional Engineer  •  Real Estate  •  Securities Broker  •  California  •  Colorado  •  Illinois  •  Ohio  •  Texas

Canada:  Qualified Person for National Institute 43-101

Educational Fields

Business Development / Management / Operations  •  Chemistry  •  Contracting  •  Engineering  •  Finance  •  Geology  •  Law  •  Mineralogy  •  Mining  •  Ore Processing  •  Paleontology  •  Property Management  •  Real Estate  •  Sciences  •  Strategic Planning  •  Systems


Arkansas – Fayetteville  •  British Columbia  •  California State – San Diego / San Jose  •  California – Real Estate  •  Clayton College  •  Colorado – Colorado Springs / Denver / Boulder  •  Community  •  Cornell  •  Coyne American Institute  •  EduMine  •  IBEW-NJATC  •  Ohio Northern / Claude W Pettit College of Law  •  Oregon  •  Pennsylvania State  •  Regis  •  Saint Thomas (MN)  •  School of Mines – Colorado  •  Southern California  •  Valparaiso  •  Virginia

Military  •  Trade  •  Professional  •  Extension

Classroom  •  Colloquium  •  In-House  •  Independent / Correspondence / Interactive Internet  •  Residence


Acrobat PDF Reader / Modifier  •  AutoCAD  •  Browsers – PC / Mobile  •  Cloud Apps / Storage  •  Contact Managers  •  Corel Draw / Word Perfect  •  Domain Providers / Advanced Use  •  Google Apps  •  Microsoft Office Apps  •  Mobile Providers  •  Open Office Apps  •  Oracle E-Business Suite  •  PeopleSoft  •  PhotoShop  •  SAP  •  Social Media Platforms  •  Video Meeting Platforms  •  Visio  •  Website Builders


Business  •  Chemistry  •  Contracting  •  Contractor Licensing  •  Engineering  •  IT  •  Mining  •  OSHA  •  Umpiring


Articles:  150+ in Technical Publications  •  Several Professional Magazines

BooksBuying a Small Computer  •  Complementary Healing Guide  •  Goal Fabric Analysis  •  Gold and Silver Facts  •  Small Miners Helper

Newsletters / Journals:  Blogs  •  Engineering Computer Applications  •  In-House  •  Systemation

Websites (Public Information, in addition to many company and client sites)FINANCEoptions.biz  •  FREEoverviewREVIEW.biz  •  FxBetter.com  •  TopVitas.com  •  CompWellness.org


Fluent:  English  •  French

Basic:  French  •  Spanish

Other Organizations

CEO Space International / Clubs – $3bn+ Funding / 50k+ Startups  •  Incubators – Startup / Expansion  •  Mining Associations – USA / International  •  Professional Schools / Colleges  •  Several Technical Associations

Other Activities

Assist Startups in Multi-National / Local Business Clubs  •  Non-Profits – Community / Economic Development / Hispanic / Homeowners / Veteran Training  •  Team Mountain / Rock Climbing  •  Teach Success / Operations to Small Mining Companies  •  Travel – Adventure / Writing / International

Copyright © 2010-2025, Prosper Systems, Denver CO USA. All rights reserved. Latest update, 1/4/2023, KHJ