Discusses excellent options for small business owners who
need financing, based on both research and his own success in establishing
businesses. See CustomerFundedBusiness.com/resources.html
Source: ChicagoTribune.com/business/sns-201503032000--tms--savingsgctnzy-a20150303-20150303-story.html
Here's our now-famous #GoldenInfoNuggets
of the models (ADDITIONS follow):
• The Customer-Funded Business MATCHMAKER model
"brings buyers and sellers together, never owning the product being sold.
Some examples include real-estate brokers, eBay, Expedia and Angie's List. They
earn their commission as middlemen. The book presents the case history of
Airbnb, which started in 2008 and has grown into a global booking system that
monetizes people's extra space. The company now offers more than 800,000
listings and has served more than 18 million customers in 192 countries so
far." (Another example from website: the US company DogVacay) –John Mullins/@John_W_Mullins
• The Customer-Funded Business PAY-IN-ADVANCE model:
"In some industries, customers pay suppliers in advance for at least
part of the price of goods or services before receiving anything. Examples
include consultants, architects, tax preparers and financial planners. The book
discusses Via.com, an Indian travel company that started in 2006 and has grown
into India's largest travel business with more than $500 million in
sales." (Other examples from website: the USA’s Threadless, India’s Via and Loot) –John Mullins/@John_W_Mullins
• The Customer-Funded Business SUBSCRIPTION model:
"The customer agrees to purchase an item that is delivered
repeatedly over an extended timeframe. Newspapers and magazines ask you pay
up-front for subscriptions weeks, months or years in advance. Other examples
are maintenance contracts on your cars, appliances and computers. The book
cites India's TutorVista, which helps more than
10,000 students per month with homework in their own homes." (Other
examples from website: India’s TutorVista, the
USA’s H.Bloom) ) –John Mullins/@John_W_Mullins
• The Customer-Funded Business SCARCITY model:
"What's offered for sale is restricted to a limited quantity for a
limited period, and the seller's supplier is paid after the sale is made. After
the merchandise is sold, no more is available. Mullins cites the "flash
sales" concept pioneered in France by Jacques-Antoine Granjon,
is which the unwanted inventory of high profile brands
is sold. Using this concept, Granjon was able to
create a business selling more than 200,000 items across eight European
countries." (Other examples from website: Spain’s Zara,
France’s Vente Privée, the USA’s Gilt Groupe) ) –John Mullins/@John_W_Mullins
• The Customer-Funded Business SERVICE-TO-PRODUCT
model: "Businesses start by providing a customized service and
eventually use their expertise to deliver stand-alone packaged solutions. A
good example is Microsoft. Bill Gates and Paul Allen initially had a contract
with IBM to develop an operating system for IBM's personal computer.
Subsequently, they won contracts with other PC manufacturers. Then they started
delivering packaged software products, transforming their service business into
a product business." (Other examples from website: Denmark’s GoViral, Puerto Rico’s Rock Solid) ) –John Mullins/@John_W_Mullins
• FundingOptions.ProsperSystems.biz
- Mainly Debt Capital, but some offer part or all required Capital
for Equity
• Non-Equity Crowdfunding - any state, country - Kickstart.com, GoFundMe.com, IndieGoGo.com, CrowdRise.com, RocketHigh.com, Invested.In (self-styled template), etc. See "A Guide To
Successful Donation-Based Crowdfunding," Amelia Oliver, Lex Mundi Pro Bono
Foundation, LawForChange.org/NewsBot.asp?MODE=VIEW&ID=6348