Finance Options ListProsper SystemsKenton H Johnson • Denver


Possible configurations to bringing investors to a project:

·        Chief Capital Officer - granted ~4% of company to prepare, raise and monitor investment capital - see CCO Plan and Services for the many details handled.

·        Co-GP - generally through an auxiliary LLC - earning a percentage of the company based on project services performed and fundraising goals, often incremental.

·        Member - partnership to partner with company, to provide project services and make introductions to moneyed partners or enroll passive investors.

·        Member - partnership with at least $5M in assets, that may raise additional capital, to invest in multiple companies.

·        Contractor - thoroughly research and vet properties, teams, underwritings, markets and pitch materials for potential investments for a pro-rated fee of percentage, paid by investor, for each successful investment.  (Most investors need to review dozens of potentials to select the best one.  We present the top 3 in timeframe, area or type ranges)

·        Generally, unlicensed brokering to raise capital for compensation of any kind is not allowed in the USA.


1965-1972:  Obtained BS and MS in Engineering, Calif State Univ San Jose (SJSU)

·        Worked nearly 4 FTE years while carrying a full load

·        Learned computer language and operations of City of San Jose Traffic Control mini and SJSU large computers

·        Sold and performed computer consulting services to the City and SJSU professors.

·        Bought first condo, married and had first child

1971-1978:  Very High-Tech government work.

·        OIC USAF SR-71 ELINT software.

·        Sr Engineer, NORAD Cheyenne Mountain software/hardware redesign and implementation.

·        Obtained Professional Engineer License.

·        Sr Consultant, Denver Water large computer consulting and training for Engineers and Planners.

1978-1992:  Sold and performed independent computer software and hardware consulting, mainly to CRE Engineering firms.

·        Eventually focusing on implementing CADD on micro- and mostly mini-computers.

·        Researched, wrote, marketed and published International newsletter on PCs and their software for CRE Engineering firms.

·        Spoke at dozens of conferences, taught 50 short courses and wrote 100+ national articles on implementing CRE computer applications.

Many Recommendations


1992-2020:  Joined and followed the teachings of the Forbes highly-ranked business club now named CEO Space International, which has assisted its members to raise more than $3B in equity and $6B+ in debt.    (See CEO Space International)

1993:  Formed Team with the late Dr Lee Pulos, Founder of Spaghetti Factories, and five others to fund a non-profit giving self-esteem building materials for children.   

·        Hired Jack Canfield to speak at a fundraiser, but ...

·        The Catholic Pope's grand visit to Denver and special Colorado legislative session on youth violence delayed the promised PR via the media, so it failed.

·        The primary funder ran out of interest and money for the project, and stopped it. 

·        Many lessons learned.

1993-1996: Consulted dozens of CEO Space Club Members to prepare for funding using the club’s teachings.

·        Also sold marketing and sales consulting services to high-tech firms.

·        Sold ads to high-tech and other business companies for a computer publication then retailers, a retailer's product-use planning guide then a communications company.

·        These experiences further refined discovering and relating to customers in their language and interests to more-quickly close the sales.

1996-1999:  Raised $100,000 to publish three books on Metro Denver Holistic Health from licensed, certified and registered holistic healthcare practitioners, including MDs, DOs, DCs, ODs and other doctors who were very limited on marketing and investment concepts.

·        Created an Association named CompWellness to teach marketing and investment concepts.

·        Consulted on another book in New Orleans.

·        Combined all modality chapters into a 500-page website that Google-ranked just below United Airlines.

2000-2004:  Continued to re-sell CompWellness association memberships annually and made major refinements to the website.

·        Continued to support the site in its 2004 state.

·        Sold association and site to a practitioner in 2012.

2004-2006:  Learned real estate investing through classes, conferences and associations.

·        Invested close-family money in SFD rehabs and rentals.

·        Market dropped in chosen areas as REO's took over the neighborhood.

·        Liquidated - more lessons learned.

2007-2009:  Weathered the 2008 crash.

·        Continued CRE investment education.

·        Moved to Consulting and Brokering sellers and buyers of CRE.

·        Consulting to Startups / Expansions - computer tech then more and more CRE.

2010-2014: Drawing on retirement accounts and good credit.

·        Began brokering precious metal mines, forming GoldPanAm with 7-10 skilled, profit-sharing Advisors, now documented at Prosper Systems’ Team Resume.

·        Researched, some via inter- and national travel, CRE and business opportunities to consult and broker.

·        Created the Chief Capital Officer partnering arrangement as 2-5% owner, on the advice of several SEC Attorneys and our Team Attorney, expanded at CCO Plan and Services.  Too many took the documentation, plans and support from our Advisors, then did nothing or committed fraud or SEC violations requiring that we back away - more lessons.

·        Avoided anything that the SEC - Fed or State - would investigate so as not to lose income or ownership in successful projects.

·        2012 - Arranged to raise $50M equity as CCO for a Drug Rehab Center conversion from a luxury hotel in Scottsdale AZ, but Center Point Development owner and Senior City employee wanted to commit fraud by lying about a Team Member's credentials, so backed away.

·        2013 - As the CCO, arranged to raise 10s of $M each for several Precious Metal Mines to improve, operate and resell in Nevada and California as Cougar Mountain Global Resources, but owner committed fraud by trading $40M in stock for water rights, before stock was registered, so backed away.

·        2014 - As CCO for Reno NV entrepreneurs developing a Robotic Solar Panel manufacturing facility, again discovered fraud and serious SEC violation - they sold 45 and were selling more LLC memberships before the LLC was formed, so backed away.

2015-present:  Attempted CCO arrangements with other entrepreneurs, but found fraud and failure before completing the arrangments.

·        Joined more venture capital meetups and organizations, such as CEO Space and Rockies Venture Club, and attended conferences, such as one of the largest, the Denver Startup Week in the Fall each year - casually advising and selling consulting services.

·        Focused on Consulting with entrepreneurs forming startups or expansions, preparing them for equity as well as debt funding for anything collateralizable (equipment, even office or manufacturing buildings).   Many more-easily and quickly found funding with local banks and funders.

·        Taught Startups 2.0 (tm) as classes and a Meetup in The Commons entrepreneur center, downtown Denver.   Transferred the Meetup to another teacher / consultant in the Commons.

·        2016 - As a paid Consultant, greatly updated and created documents for a $100M entrepreneurs' fund, Venture Capital Development Group, for tech and CRE.  Would be introducing a dozen projects to the fund.  Founder failed to follow through with internal funding, so it is still on hold.

·        2019 - As a paid Consultant, prepared Sydney Kloppers in South Africa (SA) to purchase retiring-owner businesses, on Owner and Debt financing. The owners were receptive to being purchased, but not the SA and international banks - needed excessive downpayment of 40%-50% and he ran out of consulting money.  Since then, we collaborate on business / planning / ideas, and possible African Natural Resource projects.    (See Sydney Kloppers)

2020-present, building the sources to broker CRE, its Tech and other business loans and more recently introduce equity partners to those projects.

·        Using pitch document reviews to build relationships and trust with clients, but often they are so well prepared, they can easily go to their local banks.  

·        Only providing more than a couple of hours gratis consulting to those signing compensation agreements, both debt brokering and partnering for equity.  Perform many Project Services.  

·        Officially started Equity Fundraising mid 2024 per first entry in newsletter as a  LinkedIn Article


Been very successful helping entrepreneurs prepare to raise both debt and equity.  

·        With members and teams in several clubs and associations, have facilitated and helped raise us$3,000,000,000+ in equity and $6B+ in debt.  

·        100+ projects consulted, and most are funded.

·        Dozens of well-researched debt and equity sources, building more each week.  

·        Have extensive knowledge of CRE, Natural Resources, Business, Marketing and associated Tech and Software.  

·        Have marketed and sold nearly all my consulting and entrepreneurial services and products, since 1978.

·        Have taught the entrepreneurial process and methods to 10s of thousands through courses and inter- and national publications since 1980.

·        Have prepared and sold others' opportunities since 1990.



Revised insert 2/5/2025 USMT

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