Accelerate your Business Development, Funding and Profits
Executive Summary
Prosper Systems is a group of highly-experienced, C-level professionals, superior and dedicated to accomplish the following, in assistance to, and in concert with Company Management, Directors and Advisors of growing companies with an exit strategy of us$10mm to $100M++ within five years.
As a Consulting Team - OR with one of us on your Management Team as a Chief Capital Officer (CCO) - we combine our talents to implement many of the Preparation, Process and Profit Tools.
Phase I - Preparation (Conceptualize):
- Prepare for successful funding Presentations and maximum Profits - Planning, Preliminaries, Pricing, Proof, Prediction, Practicalization, Personification and Precipitation of the Business Plan, Securities Docs and Presentation;
- Population of the Management and Capitalize Teams.
Phase II - Process (Capitalize):
- Presentations to Funders - Practice;
- Processing the Negotiations, Paperwork and Capital Distributions.
Phase III - Profit (Complete):
- Precision ImPlementation;
- Planetization as far around the world as possible;
- Periscoping and AmPlification for Maximum Performance, Possibilities and OpPortunity.
Phase IV - Purchase (Close) - Optionally Sell:
- Preparation using Phases I-II;
- Public or Private sale;
- Personalization – transitional or continued employment.
Applying all the Profit Tools available: Principle, Passion, Participation, Punctuation, Prioritization, Promotion, Partnering, Perspiration, Persistence, Preservation, InsPiration, InterPolation and InterPretation.
Business Types include:
precious-metal mines;
high-tech including hardware, software, services and mobile Apps;
ground-breaking services;
large real estate construction and acquisition;
oil and gas.
We guide your Company to successfully Prepare for and Process $20k to $200M+:
- Equity fundraising
- Debt fundraising
- Other fundraising types and methods (seed, angel, factoring, customer, supplier, subscription)
- Bridge loan fundraising (under $1mm, mainly while waiting for committed funding to come through)
Then we make sure you Profit well then Exit for 10+ times your investments within five years - more later.
Bridge loans with your Company can be lucrative for the Lender as well as a fast way of raising seed capital.
Lenders: email to talk more about Bridge, Equipment, Real Estate, Cash-Flow and other Loans.
As a Consulting Team or Chief Capital Officers, we accomplish the following STARTUP 2.0™ / Expansion process, in concert with Company Management, Directors and Advisors:
Phase I - Preparation (Conceptualize) - keys to success:
- Analyze mission, market, management team, money (financial projections), agreements, business / marketing / sales / operations / growth plans;
- Enhance documents, especially financial projections - one of our major specialties - see our Analysis Services page with example links;
- Attract additional team members paid on future income - CxOs, Directors, Advisors, Others;
- Analyze use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for productivity, research, communications, marketing and most other business functions;
- Analyze state and US securities compliance - website, documents, presentation;
- Assist in preparing securities documents per legal counsel guidance;
- Create and maintain document database;
- Upgrade documents for distribution and presentation;
- Develop funding presentation strategies;
- Develop, strategize, and coach on "PPT," online and paper presentations.
Phase II - Presentation and Process (Capitalize) - equity, debt, grant, crowdfunding, supplier, customer, others:
- Evaluate introducers and brokers - legalities and expense;
- Analyze best venue - state, US, beyond - see our Analysis Services page with example links;
- Identify, vet and develop relations with the myriad Finance Options;
- Create and maintain database of potential and secured funders, who's working with them and progress;
- Write and coordinate scripts for: officers, friends, associates, Directors and Advisors, who might violate securities laws by saying too much or in the wrong way;
- Train all offer introducers and presenters;
- Coordinate and particpate in the presentations;
- Report investment progress;
- Participate in funder negotiations;
- Plan staging (tranches);
- Coordinate funder relations.
Phase III - Profit (Complete) - ensuring sustainable and salable business:
- Build corporate Customer Database with key elements to success;
- Provide business performance information to funders and customers;
- Enhance marketing and sales via new technology;
- Analyze, identify and recommend operational enhancements;
- Research, recommend and implement technology enhancements;
- Identify and analyze new business investments and opportunities;
- Secure additional funding (as in Phase II);
- Find and review additional Management, Directors and Advisors;
Phase IV - Purchase (Close) - Optionally Exit or Sell:
the real money and time costs;
Evaluate and select the best sales professionals;
Time for the best business and market stages;
Prepare for Public Offering, selling owners' shares or through our many organizations we currently use to purchase assets and businesses;
Maximize return on Founders' and Investors' efforts and investments with thorough analysis;
Founders, Management, Directors, Advisors and Key pesonnel may continue for a short or extended, with or without ownership and liability.
We do the serious work to make sure your Company impresses and moves Funders to Action, as well as continue to guide your Company throughout its life. Additional online information about the Founder is in signature links below.
- Sample - click image for first few minutes on YouTube:
- We have packaged these Startup 2.0™ / Expansion Steps into a 4-hour to full-semester Startups 2.0™ Course currently being negotiated with Denver-Area and international colleges and universities.
- See primary Instructor, Kenton Johnson's Teaching Resume.
- Our Expanded Version of these Startup 2.0™ / Expansion Steps is being presented step-by-step, in Metro-Denver and remotely named Startups 2.0™
Advantages of using CCO-capable Consultants:
See our Team and Aggregate Resume with a median 33 years of experience.
- Know, analyze and select the inside, critical options for launching a business, that are more-often missed by advisors, incubators, books, business schools and the media;
- No question of compliance - understand state and country securities laws, and a CCO is able to represent the company to investors and buyers, following all SEC regs, without requiring brokers;
- May accept a combination of equity with consulting income (see Income Structures);
- Know the relative importance to investors of management team, ops plan, marketing plan, sales plan, financials;
- Have ready resources and evaluate immediate and additional Management Members, Directors and Advisors, paid on future income;
- Superior at document analysis, creation, improvement, management and presentation;
- Many years of success creating, marketing and training on "PPT," online and paper presentations;
- Know the pros and cons of the many types of funding (equity, debt, bridge, seed, angel, customer, supplier, subscription, factoring, IPO, strategic, investment only, etc);
- Dozens of funder connections;
- Advanced preparation and funding process management and reporting;
- Exemplary creation and training on scripts via company and our legal advisors - for Management Members (and unpaid referrers) to stay compliant on investment offerings;
- Outstanding at funder negotiations;
- Maintain excellent client/funder relations;
- Enhance marketing and sales opportunities via new technology and markets;
- Effectively identify, analyze and recommend operations and technology enhancements;
- Many years of identification and analysis of new business investment and opportunities;
- Receive valuable, proprietary articles, documents and resource leads from our Team;
"Talent [and business ideas are] cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work." — Stephen King, famous novelist
Full List of Preparation and other Quotes
Income Structures (Pro-Forma):
- Funding Preparation Consulting - due monthly
Prosper Systems performs a customized version of Phases I and II of the C-C-C-C process above:
- Fee for Service:
- $500 retainer
- $250 per hour, scaled down per size of project
- For projects moving well towards great potential for success and clients that are fully-committed, it is possible to trade-off some income for equity as well as provide rebates on up to 50% of the income the Chief Consultant nets from Prosper Systems profit sharing in the processes.
- Payments via credit card, PayPal or bank transfers
- Other customized packages possible
- As an initial effort or an alternative to CCO services, income could be applicable to CCO Income defined below
- Subscription Consulting (Consulting as a Service) - due monthly, 6-monthly or annually
Prosper Systems consults on any part of the Phases in the C-C-C-C process above:
- NEW Artificial Intelligence (Assessment, Workflow Strategy, Tools, Prompts, Culture Shift, Data Capture, LLMs, Chat Bots and Clones)
- Fee Structure:
- $499 per month
- Discounted for longer-term payment - 6-month, 10%; annual, 20%
- 25% additional outside USA/Canada
- Seminars and webinars discounted 50% for monthly subscribers, no charge for longer-term subscribers
- Additional consulting available to subscribers at 75% normal rates
- Monthly payments via recurring credit card, PayPal or other AutoPay charge system
- Partial equity substitutions and other customized packages possible
- One topic per call or email, up to 30 minutes
- Additional 30-minute research and 15-minute call back possible, through consultant's many personal resources, the Prosper Systems' Team, with tremendous Resume, and powerful connections/resources
- Document reviews, up to 10 pages per month
- Our SEC-savvy lawyer available for one (1) hour monthly at no additional charge
- Prosper Systems' library documents provided for additional details
- Provide one (1) well-vetted financial resource (grant, cash-flow, debt or equity) per month from our myriad Finance Options (TEMPORARY OFFER)
- Other services may be added in the future
- Superior Analysis Services
- Same, lucrative Advantages, listed above
- See our current Terms of Service
- Email for additional information
Schedule a Call TODAY
- Chief Capital Officer- distributed at Complete of each phase, transaction or at most annually (combination packages possible)
A Prosper Systems Team member completes Phases I - III of the C-C-C-C process above, as a company officer:
- Phase I- your choice of:
- 2.0% of each project-year's EBITDA ... OR ...
- Grant of 10% undilutable Founder's Equity (preferred)
- Phase II- Profit sharing based on the Phase I choice
- Phase III- 1% of Annual EBITDA (in lieu of Officer salary)
- Includes up to six additional Collaborators engaged by the CCO, as well as payment of CCO's and Collaborators' Referrers
- After a reasonable initial portion of funding (the lesser of 10% or $100,000), a draw on profit sharing of at least $500 per month will be made for each Prosper Systems Colaborator.
- Payments are "Net 10" and preferred in equivalent Gold, Silver, Cut/Polished Diamonds or the project's other Commodities
- Up to 95% may be converted to equity at best rate offered partners or investors
- IMPORTANT: If Company discontinues reasonable progress on a Project, or CCO Agreement is cancelled without Cause, Income reverts to Consulting Rates
"Collaboration" is the ultimate in business relationships. See more at our Prosper Systems Business/Properties/Insights Collaboration Announcement Group, as well as our growing list of Collaboration Articles
Please email your Overview (feedback provided at no charge), Business Plan or call regarding your projects (or Referrers/Consultants - learn how to earn up to 20% of our individual income).
Looking forward to working closely with you and excellent projects.
To get the ball rolling with your organization, please DOWNLOAD, complete and sign our short-but-complete Confidentiality Agreement (online), then we can send business plans, or DOWNLOAD: Word or Text document format.
Please complete, sign, then email PDF back by eMail.
Best Regards,
PROSPER SYSTEMS • Kenton H Johnson, Founder •
Brief (for Referring and Participating)
• LinkedIn Company Page
• Inexpensive Consulting (includes Vetted Investors)
• Group (Join)
• Blog (Follow by eMail)
• Project Services
• FREE Overview REVIEW
• Referrals Request (to 20%)
Schedule a Call (with Video options)
DISCLAIMER: Neither Prosper Systems (PS), nor its Founder, Kenton H Johnson, are licensed Real Estate or Lending Brokers, Securities Dealers or Investment Advisers. However, PS has an Attorney on its Team, as well as works closely, engages and will have other Licensed individuals or firms on its Team. PS makes no warranties or representations as to the quality of an opportunity, the integrity of the Buyer, Owner or associated Collaborators, or the value of a given transaction. PS is acting only as Collaborator with Buyers, Owners or their Collaborators. All due diligence is the responsibility of Buyers, Owners and their Collaborators.
Copyright © 2010-2025, Prosper Systems, Denver CO USA. All rights reserved. Latest update, 2/8/2025, KHJ