part of BuyingAndSellingInterests.ProsperSystems.biz “Refresh” / “Reload”
for latest version each visit Updated 1/5/2020 by KHJ Click for easily-printable
PDF version Latest at Buyer200Mup.ProsperSystems.biz EXCLUSIVE US$200M+++ BUYER via PROSPER
SYSTEMS LLC “This it is the best method of selling large assets $200 Million
and above I’ve seen and used in the 60 years I’ve been in business. It generally takes 3 to 7 years to
sell assets this size.” After a few days of coordination, closing on the asset
is 90 days IN CASH for 100% of the asset price (including all broker
commissions). Quote
from long-time Associate and 50-year Real Estate Broker, who is now an
international asset sales consultant.
He has vetted and is now working with a very strong BUYER who wants
several LARGE ASSETS, such as: Office
building, shopping center, grocery chain, fast food chain, brand store chain, sport team,
radio & TV chain, 5*
hotel/casino or 5* hotel/resort, large
agriculture farm, large timber
acreage, large cattle ranch, active mine with proven reserves, oil refinery, paper mill,
manufacturing company, sport
teams, master painting, antique collection, coin collection, stamp collection, ships,
airplanes, diamonds, or other LARGE ASSET with the following: • PROVEN VALUE of US$200M+++ (the larger,
the better, with current appraisal or can be quickly appraised by a major
bank) • The same Buyer wants us$50M++ uncut raw diamonds 5 carats or more. • Virtually DEBT-FREE • ANY DEVELOPED COUNTRY where the SELLER
can access a major global bank (AVOID contentious, communist and rogue
nations) • SELLER-PAID COMMISSION of 4%-10% shared
among the major Collaborators Major
Collaborators (Brokers, Lawyers, BUYER's or SELLER's Direct/Mandate) paid via
a paymaster - minor Collaborators (introducers, consultants, referrers)
compensated by their referred Collaborator SELLERs
will need to stay on as employees or replace themselves with qualified,
trained management as soon as possible. ADVANTAGES: • Straight-forward process under the
observation and certain control of the SELLER's global bank of choice. • The SELLER meets the BUYER face-to-face. • Cash on closing, in 90 days from
contracting for sale. • Feel good that the BUYER uses the profits
for HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS around the world. Ask
your questions and email Large Asset specifications ASAP. Our Mission, Market, Management
and Money™ system format is an excellent starting
point. Thank
you for your PARTICIPATION, ~~~~~~~~~~~ Kenton
Johnson <Buyer-LargeAssets@ProsperSystems.biz>, Founding Member Schedule a Call (with Video options) |